Chinese Spring Festival 3

Here are 9 tips about traveling in China during the Spring Festival 春节( chūn jié),the Chinese meaning of this festival is Guo Nian (过年 guò nián)just like Christmas in the West.

1. Travel light but bring essentials
Weather everywhere, make sure you prioritize wool sweaters  羊毛衫 (yáng máo shān), down coats羽绒服( yǔ róng fú), fur-lined shoes 毛衬里皮鞋 (máo chèn lǐ pí xié), thermals (保暖衣 bǎo nuǎn yī)and warm accessories in the one-checked-bag allowed on domestic flights 航 班( háng bān)and trains 火车(huǒ chē).

2. Mind the crowds and plan ahead
Booking air travel, hotels and restaurants is a need.
Planning ahead 提前计划 (tí qián jì huà)for trains is limited, however, as tickets don’t go on sale 打折(dǎ zhé)at train stations, agent booths or online  网上(wǎng shàng)until 12 days in advance of departure.

3. Carry valid identification
Every train ticket in China must have a matching valid ID  有效身份证 (yǒu xiào shēn fèn zhèng)that each passenger shows both when buying tickets and boarding 进站上车( jìn zhàn shàng chē)trains.You can buy tickets online at, the customer service site run by China Railway Bureau.

4. Say “no” to a standing ticket
Never buy a standing train ticket 站票( zhàn piào)around the Spring Festival. The only exception is if the trip is less than four hours and during daylight hours 白天(bái tiān).

5. Fireworks warning
Fireworks 烟火 (yān huǒ )were meant to ward off evil spirits traditionally , but now it seems to be a way to show off one’s disposable income.

6. Limited dining options
Most small restaurants 餐馆( cān guǎn)in China will be shut 关闭( guān bì)at least between the Lunar New Year’s Eve 农历新年除夕(nóng lì xīn nián chú xī)and the third day of the festival, so should make sure you stock up adequate purchases for the Spring Festival.
Opening hours 营业时间 (yíng yè shí jiān)of supermarkets 超市 (chāo shì)will be shortened 缩短 (suō duǎn)too.

7. Visit tourist spots in cities
Since the locals 当地人  (dāng dì rén)will be spending time in their homes and out-of-city hometowns 家乡(jiā xiāng),the Spring Festival presents a good opportunity to tour big Chinese cities like Beijing — roads will be less trafficed and main spots 主要景点 (zhǔ yào jǐng diǎn)in the city center less crowded.

8. Nightlife does exist
Even though most migrant workers外出务工人员( wài chū wù gōng rén yuán)will be going back to their hometowns and local Beijingers will be locked inside their homes celebrating with their families, do not expect Beijing city center to be a miserable dark desert at night.

9. When in Rome
Find a Chinese partner 伙伴 ( huǒ bàn)in the days before the Lunar New Year’s Eve, so that you have a chance to be introduced to the folks then and there during the Spring Festival.


chūn jié
春   节
Spring Festival

guò nián
过  年
Guo Nian

yáng máo shān
羊   毛   衫
wool sweaters

yǔ róng fú
羽 绒   服
down coats

máo chèn lǐ pí xié
毛  衬   里 皮  鞋
fur-lined shoes

bǎo nuǎn yī
保  暖   衣

háng bān
航   班

huǒ chē

tí qián jì huà
提 前   计  划
Planning ahead

dǎ zhé
打 折
on sale

yǒu xiào shēn fèn zhèng
有  效   身   份   证
valid ID

jìn zhàn shàng chē
进  站    上   车

zhàn piào
站   票
standing train ticket

bái tiān
白  天
daylight hours

yān huǒ
烟  火

cān guǎn
餐  馆

guān bì
关   闭
shut or close

nóng lì xīn nián chú xī
农   历 新  年   除  夕
the Lunar New Year’s Eve

yíng yè shí jiān
营   业 时  间
Opening hours

chāo shì
超   市

suō duǎn
缩  短

dāng dì rén
当  地  人

jiā xiāng
家  乡

zhǔ yào jǐng diǎn
主  要  景   点
main spots

wài chū wù gōng rén yuán
外  出  务 工   人  员
migrant workers

huǒ bàn
伙  伴


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