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Post Tagged with: "Learn Chinese"
Wear a hat or take a hat 戴帽子
dài màozi 戴 帽子 Meaning:wear a hat or take a hat. For example: Xiǎopéngyǒumen,dōngtiān wàichū jìdé dàimàozǐ! 小朋友们, 冬天 外出 记得 戴帽子! Childen,remember to wear a hat when go out […]
Learn Chinese Pinyin&Characters, Word of the Day
Convenient 方便
fāng biàn 方便(adj.) For example: Dìtiě hěn fāngbiàn ,érqiě jiàgé yě bùguì. 地铁很方便,而且价格也不贵。 Subway are very convenient and not too expensive. Nǐ shíme shíhòu zuì fāngbiàn ? 你什么时候最方便? When is […]
Feel a sense of relief 如释重负
rú shì zhòng fù 如释重负 Meaning:You feel a sense of relief if a heavy weight had been lifted from your mind. For example: Kǎo shì jié shù hòu wǒ gǎn […]
Gift 礼物
Gift lǐ wù 礼物 gift,present (n.) wǒ guò shēng rì shí ba ba sòng le wǒ yī jiàn jīng qí de lǐ wù wǒ zhēn shì ài bù shì shǒu […]
How It Works
Step1: Submit your contact information for free trial lesson.
Step 2: Take in trial sessions so we can judge your Chinese level and determine which lesson is suitable for you.
Step 3: If you decide to join us, select and purchase the course package with our help. You can now start to enjoy your one-on-one online Chinese lessons!
”The lessons are for me very helpful to improve my Chinese speaking. Every time we do different things and interesting topics. The teacher gave me direction what I should practice to improve my Chinese, I enjoyed your lesson. ” – Lisa Jasme from America
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