Post Tagged with: "Learn Chinese lesson online"

  • Inquiry about Eating

    1. Xiaowang,have you had lunch yet? Xiǎowáng,nǐ chīfàn le mɑ ? 小王,你吃饭了吗? 2. No, not yet. Méi,hái méi chī. 没,还没吃. 3. What time will you eat? We can have lunch […]


    1.Hello/Hi! nǐ hǎo 你 好! 2.Hi everybody! Dà jiā hǎo 大 家 好! 3.Good morning / afternoon / evening! Zǎo shàng xià wǔ  wǎn shàng hǎo 早      上 /      下 […]


How It Works

Step1: Submit your contact information for free trial lesson.

Step 2: Take in trial sessions so we can judge your Chinese level and determine which lesson is suitable for you.

Step 3: If you decide to join us, select and purchase the course package with our help. You can now start to enjoy your one-on-one online Chinese lessons!



  • ”The lessons are for me very helpful to improve my Chinese speaking. Every time we do different things and interesting topics. The teacher gave me direction what I should practice to improve my Chinese, I enjoyed your lesson. ” – Lisa Jasme from America


Recent Comments

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