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Word of the Day
Rain 下雨
xiàyǔ 下雨 Meaning:rain. For example: Běijīng jīntiān xià yǔ le 北京 今天 下 雨 了 It’s raining today in Peking. Rúguǒ míng tiān xiàyǔ, wǒ jiù bùqù chāoshì le. 如果 […]
How Much 多少钱
duōshǎoqián 多少钱 Meaning:how much.The character“多少”means how much,“钱”means money. For example: zhèjiàn yīfú duōshǎoqián? 这件 衣服 多少钱? How much is this dress? yījīn píngguǒ duōshǎoqián? 一斤 苹果 多少钱? How much is […]
Go shopping 逛街
guàng jiē 逛街 Meaning:Go shopping.The character“逛”means stoll,“街”means street. For example: wǒ hé tóng shì xiǎo wáng yuē hǎo le zhōu liù yī qǐ guàng jiē . 我 和 同 事 […]
Taste Fresh Food
cháng xiān 尝鲜(vt.) Meanging: Taste fresh food or use something that is little or rare for the first time. For example: 这个新买的按摩器,先让你尝鲜。 For this new massage machine,let you use it […]
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Step1: Submit your contact information for free trial lesson.
Step 2: Take in trial sessions so we can judge your Chinese level and determine which lesson is suitable for you.
Step 3: If you decide to join us, select and purchase the course package with our help. You can now start to enjoy your one-on-one online Chinese lessons!
”The lessons are for me very helpful to improve my Chinese speaking. Every time we do different things and interesting topics. The teacher gave me direction what I should practice to improve my Chinese, I enjoyed your lesson. ” – Lisa Jasme from America
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